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The Our Lady and All Saints Catholic Multi Academy Company (OLAAS) comprises of 12 Primary schools and one secondary school within the Solihull, Birmingham and Warwickshire areas. Within our family of schools, each provides a fully inclusive and comprehensive Catholic Education offering in a diverse society - we are 'Strong in Faith'. Read More

OLAAS Catholic

St Anthony's Primary

Like Jesus

At St Anthony's, Jesus is at the centre of everything that we do.  

This year we have introduced a new school rule: 

 We are all trying to be Like Jesus in everything that we do. 

 The children have chosen the qualities of Jesus that they want to try to use. They  are:

Be GENEROUS like Jesus

BE BRAVE like Jesus

Be FORGIVING like Jesus

Be WELCOMING like Jesus

Be RESPECTFUL like Jesus

Be GRATEFUL like Jesus

Be LOVING like Jesus

Be JOYFUL like Jesus