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The Our Lady and All Saints Catholic Multi Academy Company (OLAAS) comprises of 12 Primary schools and one secondary school within the Solihull, Birmingham and Warwickshire areas. Within our family of schools, each provides a fully inclusive and comprehensive Catholic Education offering in a diverse society - we are 'Strong in Faith'. Read More

OLAAS Catholic

St Anthony's Primary

Curriculum Overviews

For curriculum overviews for all year groups, please visit the pages below:-


Year 1Year 2 Year 3

Year 4Year 5Year 6

Our pupils in Reception and Year 1 use a phonics scheme called Read, Write Inc - further details available here.

The whole school can access Big Cat Library Online whilst working remotely due to COVID-19 and school                                being closed except to vulnerable pupils and critical worker pupils. 

If you require a reminder of your child's login/password, please contact the school office for details - Big Cat Library Online