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The Our Lady and All Saints Catholic Multi Academy Company (OLAAS) comprises of 12 Primary schools and one secondary school within the Solihull, Birmingham and Warwickshire areas. Within our family of schools, each provides a fully inclusive and comprehensive Catholic Education offering in a diverse society - we are 'Strong in Faith'. Read More

OLAAS Catholic

St Anthony's Primary

Confirmation 2020

Congratulations to Tayla, Callum, Madison, Dylan, Melinda and Blake who made their Confirmation in a really prayerful service led by Canon David Evans and Fr Christi. The children were excellent as always. I’d like to thank everyone involved in helping prepare for this special event in the journey of faith for these pupils and to everyone who helped make last night a special evening. Thanks to every member of staff who came along to support, it really says a lot but also to all the children who came along to support their friends.